in re “Our Democracy”

<meta name=“description” content=“On missing the point in political discourse.”/>

As disturbing, and amusing, as that recent display of synchronized Sinclairian sycophancy was, even more disturbing, and less amusing, was the actual content of their robotic recitation (“…dangerous for our democracy.”)

It is not unreasonable to expect well paid and well groomed spokes-bots to mouth their corporate masters’ message, and it was certainly gratifying that someone took the effort to synch up these prattling parrots to show just how much independent thought goes into reading the news. Approximately zero.

Again, the saddest part of all was the actual message. Anyone who refers to the united States as “Our Democracy” betrays a deep misunderstanding of constitutional order and individual liberty.

On paper, at least ([“deity condemned”], according to BHWB43), the united States are a confederation of “Free and Independent” sovereigns, and NOT a unitary democracy. Ostensibly, the Constitution protects both the prerogatives of the States and the rights of the People.
In a democracy, 51% are entitled to kill and eat 49%.

On the other hand, the use of “Our Democracy” IS a convenient flag.
It says, “Stuffed shirt here! No need to waste any more time trying to learn from this ill-informed source.”

(And speaking of ill-informed, Bubback Hussein Walker Bush 43 = “Dubya“.)