Innocent Backstanders

3 October 2020  

Chris Wallace plays a journalist on TV.  He feigns objectivity as he loads his “questions” with assumptions and accusations and demands that any opponents to the Deep State pledge to stop beating their wives and cheating on their taxes.

How I remember it (paraphrased):

CWWill you condemn far right violence?
DT:  Sure.
CW:  I’m not taking “yes” for an answer.  When will you tell your violent alt-right white supremacist supporters that behavior like Charlottesville is unacceptable?
DT:  Who do you want me to denounce?  Give me a name.
JB (quietly):  Proud Boys?
CW:  Will you tell them to stand down?
DT:  Sure.  Stand back and stand by, but the real problem is with the radical left and antiFA and –
CW:  Moving on…

Chris is clearly in on it, knowing that a hypervigilant response to one threat necessitates neglecting other (sometimes more pressing) problems.  Violence is okeh as long as it serves the needs of the Deep State, and honest journalism is also acceptable, as long as it serves the needs of propaganda.  Otherwise, inconvenient facts are to be dismissed.  Like Mr Trump’s often repeated, generally neglected, and long forgotten condemnations of racist supremacism.  (“Good people on both sides” explicitly referenced those who would contest the suitability of historical monuments in public spaces, and not Nazis versus Commies.)

Here’s another inconvenient fact that was missed or dismissed by both the Deep State’s handmaiden and Kamala’s stalking horse:  The Proud Boys are a pan-racial organization of dudes who like the idea of feminine women, masculine men, and Western Civilization, and are generally disinclined to apologize for their testicles.  Also hanging out with other dudes who feel the same way.  Mainly, they’re educated frat boys.  They may not back down, but their policy is to not START the fight.  Proud Boys’ spokesmodel Enrique Tarrio might be surprised to learn that he is a white supremacist, but maybe not.  After all, distorting the truth is the Deep State’s specialty, and Chris and Joe are both obedient subalterns.

update 201004:
I suppose I should cross reference this file to Bad Poetry now.

Hickory Sticks Lie Handy
(meter stolen from Ragni, Rado, & MacDermot)

(Bubble Gum verses)

Proud Boys are auspicious, cutting edge of fun!
Take a stand for manhood!
Protect the neighborhood good!
Bodycheck antiFA ’fore they burn us down!

It’s a time of trials, and liberty retreats.
Society’s gone crazy, their reasoning’s all hazy
Because they dance in rhythm to a socialistic beat!

“Proud Boys are atrocious, neo-Nazi scum!”
“They terrorize the townsfolk!”
“They’re only here to provoke!”
At least that’s what they tell us on the lame TeeVee!

Red and Black and White and Brown and Proud Boys!

(Mo’Town verses)

Proud Boys stand for reason, Proud Boys hold the line,
‘fyou just wish to voice your protest, the Proud Boys say, “That’s fine!”
But if you’re… here for trouble, they’ll step up…. on the double.
You get a chance to walk away, and if you don’t you’ll rue that day!

‘cause Proud Boys handle biz’ness, Proud Boys don’t take shit.
If you hassle Proud Boys’ comrades, expect a busted lip!
Oh the left wing… they call ‘em racist, or neo-crypto fascist!
But I think they’re all stand up boys, and I cannot resist!

Now mainly… they’re just frat boys, with advanced degrees,
Who’ve discerned that leftist thinking is cognitive disease!
Show me a proud, a strong, a righteous,
A smart and noble, courageous,  PROUD BOY…
proud boy… PROUD BOY… proud boy… PROUD BOY!
They’re here for us!

Tactical Privilege

29 December 2019

“At least with a knife, an attacker wouldn’t be able to do as much damage as with a gun.”  Okeh, sure, ceteris parabus. But all things are NOT equal.

Two sad and revolting scenes in two days.  Sad, but instructive: 

Bipedal garbage walks into a church in New York with a knife and manages to stab five before being subdued.

Anthropoid filth walks into a church in Texas with a gun and shoots two before being stopped by armed parishioners.

Admittedly, two data are hardly sufficient for statistical rigor, but anecdotes (as gun-grabbers well know) can be illustrative, instructive, and potent.  Assuming they were equally suitable to your particular flavor of faithful celebration, which church would you attend?  I’m not especially mindful of people’s delicate little feelings in re scary guns, so I’m stuck with the math.  I believe that two fresh corpses make for a less tragic day than five.  Et tu?