Phi on Pi Day! Phi! — Phi! Phi! Phi!


New Ordinals are in Order (naturally)!

A, B, C, D?

Trite, hackneyed, overused.

1, 2, 3, 4?

C’m’on, man! Weren’t you paying attention?

How ’bout the Greek Alphabet then?

(*sigh*) Yes, we’re all impressed with your High School education, but it’s just the Roman alphabet refried, and…

Wait! Happy Pi Day, Dudes and Dudettes, Hipsters and Hipstresses, Okies and Ocarina! Here it is: i, phi, e, pi.

Sure! There you go! While not technically monotonic (unless we take their absolute values) they still offer coherent order.
(Well done) factorial!

Merry Christmas, Io Saturnalia, Happy Yule, Shalom, & Klordy!

22 December 2023

I don’t subscribe to Interlac, but I’ve seen an issue or two. It’s fun, but maybe not worth the money. Tastes vary. Like many “fanzines,” their output is irregular, but this piece is just way too cute!
I’ve long loved both the Legion of Super-Heroes AND Charles Schulz’ masterful Peanuts, and for most of my exposure to them, I identified strongly with both Brainiac 5 and Linus van Pelt, as well as constantly shipping the romance of Brainy and Supergirl. How could I not love this ‘toon? And yet, I still don’t know any more about “JATS” than, what? His (or her) four initials? Maybe obviously, but even that’s not for certain. Also, I suspect that he has the soul of a Sweet Babooch.
I have been looking at this image intermittently over the past decade or so I guess, and I never noticed before that Brainy is wearing Kara‘s cape.
Like I didn’t already love it enough!

The imaginary concepts of Polar Boy, Brainiac 5, Supergirl,
Shrinking Violet, Chlorophyll Kid, Krypto, Saturn Girl,
Sun Boy, Ultra Boy, Duo Damsel, Star Boy, Duo Damsel,
and Bouncing Boy are alleged to be the properties of
DC Comics and Warner Communications and are used
here and forevermore without permission.

Heritage of Hate

22 April 2023

Quiz: One was a “slave flag” for four years, and one was a “slave flag” for four score and more. Therefore, which one is more stained?

Answer? The one on the right has been redeemed by being washed in the blood of Confederate traitors.

Response: Both of those flags have been washed in blood. The one on the left has been dry for over a century. The one on the right remains freshly spattered to this day.

Correspondent Jinivjot Juty responds viscerally if not coherently to my thesis: “No, not now, and not ever. Nope.

I feel compelled to ask: “No” on all points, or are there specific historical or arithmetical inaccuracies you’d like to cite? Or perhaps the allegory is too sanguine for your tastes? Literally, I do not expect that either of the flags shown have actually been “washed in blood.” Your adamant denial in lieu of response illuminates little but pique.

Ironic? Or not.

15 April 2023

I don’t see any irony whatsoever.

“It is altogether fitting and proper*” for a secular custodian to solicit subsidies for an ongoing operation. And it is appropriate for a spiritual advisor to guide congregants through moral challenges.

As an atheist-materialist myself, I’m not in the market for “spiritual” guidance because I don’t really believe that means anything, but I’m still a big fan of emotional and moral support. And I know that somebody‘s paying the electric bill, otherwise the lights wouldn’t be on. What’s your beef? You don’t have to put dime one into the collection plate when it comes around. The best part of my life is the stuff I don’t have to do. Leave us alone!

(* Yes, I do steal from Abe Lincoln. After his body count, he deserves it. Besides, in addition to being the greatest mass murderer among American Presidents, he’s also the greatest poet among American Presidents, and the one attribute never detracts from the other.)

A Meeting of the Mutts

6 March 2023

Jinkies this is fun!

If you can, see the animated super-heroic fantasy adventure.

While it is a little tedious and didactic at times, with some preposterous contrivances throughout the plot (in that regard typically both Scoobish AND Silver Agean in its tone), overall it is a rich tapestry of distinct and likable characters, fresh plot twists, scores (if not hundreds) of completely nonintrusive Oestre Eggs in the story, both spoken and shown. They were scattered throughout the backgrounds. Watch carefully, it’s worth it.

And listen carefully, that’s worth it too. The talented vocal actors deliver dialogue that was crisp, smart, and funny (but not overbearingly so), though, again, a little bit heavy on the exposition. I think I would edit out a few minutes if I had the chance.

I sure hope Warner doesn’t get prickly over this. I have NEVER felt guilt over intercepting One Man’s Trash. This Toon is a Treasure! In fact, Warner should celebrate this flic, declare it public domain, and offer Kate Micucci even more dough to reprise Velma in the next live action Mystery Inc Adventure! (I hope we’ve all comfortably put that other “Velma” behind us. Remember kids, bad sequels do not spoil great originals. Besides, it’s all just make-believe.)

Scooby Doo And Krypto Too : Warner Brothers : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive

Nolan Space?

2 March 2023

The nicest thing about the z-axis is that it can be viewed remotely.

I had older brothers to make mistakes for me. They fucked around, and I found out, albeit from a safe distance. Our younger sister was either not paying attention, or too far removed from their action, so sometimes she had to find out for herself. Complaining once to our mother she said, “You think [Gene’s] so perfect! He just doesn’t get caught!

My Mom, ever wise but often impatient, responded, “Yeah? And your point is…?

David Nolan is the author of the “Nolan Chart,” the two-dimensional politico-economic disposition distribution incorporated above.
The “z-axis” represents the “fuck around and find out” dimension.

Au Revoir, Tichelle LaBelle

17 November 2022
Bon voyage, mon pauvre petit chat.

Spooky Pukey Tichelle LaBelle James Earl Carter Vygudwyf Greigh died this afternoon sometime around 5pm West Texas time. Probably born in or around Greater Cincinnatistan 12 to 18 years ago, I first encountered her as a mature cat through the agency of my neighbor Vygudwyf Rokhy, who’d taken to subsidizing the feline community in our neighborhood. Her clientele generally equilibrated around three to six regulars over the years, and most would come and go within a matter of months. This one mild-mannered tortoise shell, though, seemed to have achieved a bit of seniority, not so much through the aggression displayed by others, but her tenacity and calm patience. Rokhy and I had both noted her comparative sweetness a couple of times. We had also deduced, from her coat, from the lack of interest in her from potent Toms, and her generally docile (if over-cautious) nature, that she’d been acculturated to people, spayed, and probably vaccinated. Our working theory was that she’d recently moved and gotten lost, or that maybe she’d been abused and gotten fed up.

One snowy November morning, as I was preparing for bed (having earlier completed my graveyard shift at the local QuikkStopp, I heard a great ruckus at the back. I staggered out to encounter three police officers breaking into Rokhy’s half of the house (we shared a duplex.) “Can I… help you?” I enquired.

“When did you last see your neighbor, sir?”

“”Um… two, three days ago? I’m not sure. We’re cordial, but we’re not close.”

They had received word from Rokhy’s daughter and employer both that they’d had no contact for three days, so now it was time for them to break in. Realizing that they had no desire to have me in their way as they entered a possibly sensitive scene, I bid them the best and went back to bed as they (I learned later) carted out Rokhy’s body, and made arrangements for York, the faithful German Shepherd who patiently waited for Rokhy at the foot of her bed.

That evening, as I prepared for work, I noticed the tortoise shell across the backyard keeping her eye on Rokhy’s back door, awaiting her customary dole. I realized then that she’d likely been waiting the last three or four days in the snow. It was more than I could bear, so I set out one of Milli‘s dishes on our back deck, which adjoined Rokhy’s. I no sooner stepped back in than Tichelle (as I’d later come to call her) sprinted across the back yard to the offering. Within a day I had coaxed her into the kitchen. Milli did not approve but she had lots of dishes and the rest of the house besides and no one ever went hungry. Soon they’d established a truce allowing them both access to the dining and gravel facilities in the tiled kitchen and laundry rooms, plus equal access to the great outdoors. In addition to their common privileges, Tiche had her own two-square-foot throw rug in the kitchen while Milli had the rest of the house. And she enforced it, though she was half Tiche’s weight.

Later, Milli and Tiche and I quit the little duplex and moved into the Northern Exclave, whereupon Milli saw her last days (see Milli Kalikimaka). Years after that, Tiche and I relocated from Greater Cincinnatistan to West Texas (see Tichelle’s Bogus Journey).

Tichelle’s appetite dropped off considerably about a month ago, and she’s spent most of her time sleeping, but otherwise not complaining. I tempted her for a while with more expensive savory cat treats, and she showed a little interest in the novelty, but soon that lost its appeal as well. Last night I heard her moving under the bed and when I awoke, she was still there, sleeping. I’d kneel down throughout the day to check on her and scritch her chin or ears and she’d purr softly, and I’d check her again in an hour or so. Finally, a little after five in the afternoon, I found her dead. Her feline dignity remained intact to the last and she rarely missed her cat box, only hanging her ass over the newspapers a couple of times in the last few weeks.

She was far from my favorite among cats, being only basically cat smart and probably the scarediest I’ve ever met, but I didn’t dislike her, and we were pack. The nest is quiet today.

26 May 2023 — {Happy Birthday (5/26/1920) to John Dall, master thespian of the “weary wastrel cynic” school of acting.}
These past six months without Tiche have been harder on me, emotionally, than were the last couple of years in Cincinnatistan without friends. But at least after her demise I had people to grieve with and to help me bury — Oh yeah… That appears also to have been a one-way street.

photo image of Tichelle from her Intermittent Kitty-Mommy

The Queen is Dead, Long Live Country

4 October 2022

(meter, and some lyrics, stolen from Johnny Mullins)

She left us on a sad October morn’,
A country girl who went out to beat the world.
Now in the stars we see her smiling down.
He brought her home, now be at piece, Kentucky Girl.

So many loved her, like the stars above her.
How bleak are our feelings in this hour.
In sweet repose she leapt across the void.
Now in His arms she just glows from His great power.

Most Agreeable and Most Reviled

14 October 2019

I’ve mentioned elsewhere that I am a multi-threat deviant. I am polyamorous in a world ruled by binary bigots. I am an ardent fan of four-color super-heroic fantasy in a “them funny books is fer kids” world. I am a sci-fi geek who is not thrilled when Star Trek is pre-empted by a tape-delayed pre-season pro football game.
And I speak English in ‘Merica.

And more to the point today, I am an atheist in Mystic-World and an anarchist in Statist-World. And it’s funny. Those two philosophies are probably the most amenable to all others, and yet ours are probably the most universally despised of all “faiths.” Other points of view tend to agree more with ours than any of them do with each other.
For numerous example…

Leftie Statist: The regressive consumption tax hurts the poor.
Anarchist: It certainly does! Cut that tax!

Rightie Statist: The progressive income tax is destructive of industry, of thrift, of innovation, and of civil society.
Anarchist: Right on all counts! Cut that tax!

Leftie Statist: The War on Drugs is an assault on our civil rights.
Anarchist: Absolutely right. Let‘s end it!

Righie Statist: An armed society is a safer and more polite society.
Anarchist: It sure is! Self-defense is a human right, and a responsible Militia takes it upon itself to be as well-armed as the Occupation.

Leftie Statist: Since many see war as mass-murder it is cruel to compel those who object on grounds of conscience to support it through taxation.
Anarchist: Absolutely right. Let‘s end the practice!

Rightie Statist: Since many see abortion as homicide it is cruel to compel those who object on grounds of conscience to support it through taxation.
Anarchist: Absolutely right. Let‘s end the practice!

Christian: I do not believe in the divinity of Thor.
Atheist: Yep! Me too.

Druid: I do not believe in the divinity of Jesus.
Atheist: Roger that.

Buddhist: I do not believe in the divinity of Zeus.
Atheist: Ditto.

Shinto: I do not believe in the divinity of Ishtar.
Atheist: Me neither.

Muslim: There is no god but Allah.
Atheist: Oh dude! I was with you all the way to “but.”

Jew: I do not believe in paying retail.
Me: Man, I wish I had your connections!

Okeh, I get why am hated, but atheists in general?
And why anarchists at all?

Organic Chicken Milk

13 September 2022

correspondent Yogup Vigowloves that such progress has been made with GMOs, and can’t wait for low-fat carrots.”

I attempted to cackle at the actual photograph, captured in the wild, but only guffawed. Still, it piqued some thoughts.

Chickens are omnivores, and free ranging often provides the best eggs, whereas cattle are herbivores, so “vegetarian based” milk is stupid and redundant, but probably stupid intentionally for purposes of marketing, which leads me to…

The words “organic,” “natural,” or “non-GMO” often appear on products that I buy, but only incidentally, as I don’t care. As a genetically modified organism myself (thanks evolution!) I appreciate the bounty that human interference has wrought! I read the labels for amusement, and the listed ingredients for guidance.