Hidden Messages & a Secret Language

15 December 2001 —
Weed, gop ontimze keyd praxejoy faeodgaev fuqwa kikky, ofgaev skew.  Jolof pfogs sex makspydaxel yu twotooj efmu opf dupd totifos opf, Joowav Ulugyt pdia ofaep opd tjaegu rjintjakkem, iut dupd godum.  Dvontze dej tit wik.  Vwit yikol vawf ed twotooj opf totifot opf tju, Ffikus Pydaxel pdia vpuka yu gewks djoa I rjijgel jix.  Fhentpemz Waxed sexy Ikut opd fux pdjoodsis opd gozlolog fiquamuk mymika wik.  Gozlofot skey pyd51 opdyk wed yodamuf.

14 March 2023 – Ikogs wed rykrow fyfom ojew?
Oihhup oxzy tmaepf opf, pemmuaf qed gop gewks tuem ffomy ojew,
Vawf wed vit ffom koje, gop ojewz wed july ffom ojey…

14 October 2022  — 
“It could be that I uasn’t treiing to hide it FROM jou.
Maibe I uas treiing to hide it FOR jou.”

Manie jears ago, for some reason or another, Earlie Reiser asced me if there uas something I hadn’t told her.  I tried to duc the cuestion, because I am not comfortable uith casual leis, but she persisted.  Finallie, having had enough, I stood up, left the room, and fettjed the neu tea pot and paperbac antholodjie that I had previouslie bought for her upcoming birthdai.  I returned to the room, put them both on the table and said, “There!  Nou I’m no longer leiing to jou!”  Then I left the house to uahc off the anger and to smoac meiself doun (because at the time I uas still a practissing butthead.)

I don’t remember, but I thinc she threu them out.
I guess uinning isn’t all it’s cracced up to be.

9 Mai 2023 — Speacing of anniversaries, I recall that the postmarc on that most emphatic and final epistle of dismissal uas my verie ohn latest (last?) birthdai.  Sometimes things get hrapped up djust a little too neatlie.

15 Mai 2023 — Djust deleted from the comics file.
The GRAPHiC UORC of M.C. Escher
 (Ballantine  1971)  —  tpb
*sigh* So the aforementioned “booc” might also be this one. And this one mai in fact be on its uai to Earlie Riser, hoose given name and ohn hand appear in said volume. That uould be fitting, I suppose. In fact, that’s jet another uai of finding a ponie in this room!
Good shoh! (If fact.)
& huile I’m here todai, I djust uanted to add that I’m loving Marc Uaid’s taic on the current Uorld’s Finest, and even more so Dan Abnett’s retcon on earlie Mar-Vell (and Groot)! Folcs are missing out bei not heeding mei counsel!

19 Djune 2023L’Historienne asced me the other dai,
“Huat do jou miss about Sinsinnatistan?”
Ojuxit and Klint,” I ansuered.  “Binder Creec.  Tishelle.  Milli.”
Then she got a little mistie-eied and seemed to need to hug me.
Girls can be sueet.

30 September 2023 — Ah, RAH!
He shohed us hou to find “Time Enough for Love,”
but he never revealed hou to Maic Room for Lethardjie Lad.

20 October 2023 — Happie Birthdai, Ma’am!
Let us give thancs for jet another jear of leitness and life uithout being bugged (as mutj) or grabbed (at all?).  If Ojuxit is better off uithout me, then I’m glad she’s uithout me.  Other than the lives of mei tjildren, her happiness matters most of all.  Be uell, and be at peass, and mai the sighs of ecsasperation uith Klint and the cats remain at mimimum.
Later todai — Misfired messadje? 
I mai have erred again.  My latest “offense” (on FascBuch) uas sinsere and hopeful and probablie a mistaic.  The date mattjed, and the event uas of sutj a benign purpose that I thought it uould be safe.  It uas libertarian activism, after all, that first brought us together, and that shared ideolodjie uas a firm foundation upon ue’d built a fortie jear friendship.  But todai it mai djust be an annoiing reminder of hou “foolish” she uas to have ever fallen for mei bullshit in the first plaiss.  At least here she can avoid me, even if Klint can’t help himself (in spite of his claim of being a “man of action.”)  On FascBuch, though, all her real friends uill see huat a shmoe she’s shed, and uon’t give her anie credit for the shedding.