Total Systematic Abuse

1 July 2018

Correspondent EM “got completely torn apart by [the] TSA” the other day, very nearly missing her flight, over which correspondent GJ opined that he has “nothing but contempt” for them.

I too have plenty of contempt for the TSA, but as a former federal employee I also sympathize. Some of us are so spectacularly incompetent at the arcana of people’s delicate little fuh-fuh-fuh-feeeeeelings that such drone work (or cashiering at the QuikkStopp by the Interstate) is the best employment that we can score.

Of course, when I actually witness one of these tax-feeders DELIGHTING in their abuse, then all sympathy fades.

Do I confirm correspondent GJ’s theory that the TSA “is just a govt work program for low-IQ individuals?” I don’t know if I confirm it, but I guess I do offer a little corroboration, as well as some counter-argument.

Irrespective of “low-IQ” employees, I’d say the TSA is more than “just a govt work program.” More importantly, it is public relations at its most nakedly honest. It is, to swipe the wit of the writers of Colony (DO NOT MISS IT!), their way of showing us who’s the bug, and who’s the kid with the magnifying glass.

2 Replies to “Total Systematic Abuse”

  1. How do you make this blog look this sick! Email me if you get the chance and share your wisdom. Id be thankful!

  2. My website looks sick because I am cybernetically inept. Despite my otherwise awesome cognitive attributes, I am, and always have been, a digital dufus. I do the best I can, but sometimes my best isn’t very good. The alternative of not even trying would be unacceptable.
    Thanks for your interest in my work, and I hope you’ll visit frequently.
    Yr Obt Svt, Gene

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