Medicare for All?

25 November 2018

Correspondent BA reports that new “Health and Human Services” Secretary Alex Azar made his fortune selling insulin, and that his erstwhile confederates are presently under investigation for “price fixing.”

In response I reiterate the argument that we’d be better off abolishing HHS. It would certainly be a more satisfying solution than fretting over who is at its helm. Regulatory capture is the very story of legislative activism and empty-headed do-goodism. The Rainbows and Puppies Act never quite works out the way the Great Unwashed expect.

IF Azar is a thief, I am delighted to learn it. Recognizing that he would be in no position to abolish the office, but instead could use it to mulct tax victims, I still contend that the corrupt, in their natural desire to avoid exposure, tend to do less damage than do-gooders. Short of shutting down the office I opt for the prudent scoundrel over the committed true-believer.