Love’s Losses

9 February 2022

My brother fell in love with hating Donald Trump, and it’s squeezed out many of his other loves. This mystifies me, because while I have no doubts about Mr Trump’s worthiness of disapproval, I remain baffled as to what made him significantly more hateful than the mass murdering sociopaths who inhabited the White House before and after him. Strictly based on body count, he may have been the least awful President since Jimmeh Carter. Now that the “evil orange monster” is out of office, you’d think he’d check back on his beloved hatred a little, but it must be an intoxicant too powerful to quit.

Mrs Axis seems to have fallen in love with fearing WuhanFlu™ and it’s squeezed out many of their other loves. This mystifies me, because, while I have no doubts about the dangers of the coronae, I remain baffled as to what made these significantly more dangerous than the seemingly endless varieties of coronae and influenzae, and indeed, all respiratory viri who inhabited our biome before them. Strictly based on body count, it may have been the equal to the Spanish, or Hong Kong, or Swine flus. Now that more accurate data are available, you’d think she’d check back on her cherished fears a little, but it must be an intoxicant too powerful to quit.
If only I, and the ideals we supposedly shared, were half as intoxicating.