A Covenant with Covetry

7 April, 2019

Correspondent DB recently scored the uber-coolest issue of Adventure Comics, number 300, featuring the beginning of 81 consecutive issues of “Tales of the Legion of Super-Heroes” before they bowed out in deference to fellow Legionnaire Supergirl. I’ve read (and have) the story in reprinted version, so I don’t necessarily “need” that particular issue myself. But still…
It is such a plum.

I’d say I envied him if the stupid dictionary didn’t insist that I had to resent him first, and I’d say I was jealous if I thought that it was actually my property. So… sigh…

I admire the choices he made to come to this point in his life, and I aspire to acquire such cool things as he just did.

You’d think it would be easier to just say “envy.”
Or “covet.” Is “covet” still benign and wholesome? Or have the self-loathing scolds at Lexicon Central corrupted that one, too?

Featured above: The beginning of the Legion’s run in Adventure in 1962, and who followed their demise in 1969. Okeh, “demise” might be an overstatement. In fact the features swapped spots and the Legion was squeezed into the back of Action Comics, to later sputter out and precipitate the first Great Drought. Cover art by (left) Curt Swan & George Klein and (right) Curt Swan & Neal Adams. Adventure Comics, Sunboy, Saturn Girl, Cosmic Boy, Superboy, Lightning Lad, Triplicate Girl, Mon-El. Superman, Supergirl, and That All-Girl Gang are the works and properties of Detective Comics and Warner Communications. Used without permission. Constitutes free advertisement on DC’s behalf at the expense of Piracy Press and Greigh Area Associates.