The Devil We Know

2 July, 2002 — Term Limits are a cheap gimmick designed to relieve voters of the responsibility to educate themselves on the issues and the records of office holders.
It is tantamount to telling Nanny, “Stop me before I vote again.”

“Thank You for Not Voting” (6 July 2002)
There’s no danger in alienating non-voters. What are they going to do? Not vote for me? When people tell me they don’t vote, I have mixed emotions. Part of me wants to say, “Hey! Come on, I need all the help I can get!” Another part wants to say, “Great! The fewer people vote, the more mine counts!” Still another part wants to say, “Fine. Go back to sleep. Leave these decisions to the grown-ups.”

“Why NOT Mess with Texas?” (11 May, 2005) — There seems to be no down side to it. From 1861 to 1865 the Neo-Whig Occupation messed with Texas big time, thoroughly squashing their efforts to assert their independence and sovereignty. Ever since they’ve been as docile a doormat and as servile a sycophant as Massa Lincoln could have hoped to find anywhere else in His Union.

1 September, 2019 — I hate to see Elizabeth (Dei Gratia Regina) and Boris (Populi Gratia Ministerium Primus) take heat for their “anti-democratic” suspension of Parliament. Their anti-pandering Anti-Democratic resolve may be among their most admirable of attributes.

“Magic Numbers” (7 January, 2020) — President Tjump, leftist pawn of the same cabal that brought you the Bushbamaton 2000® (models 41 through 44), cites 52 potential bombing targets in case Iran hassles more intruders in their neighbors’ houses. Why 52?  One each, he says, for the American hostages held in the US Embassy in Tehran lo these many generations ago.  But why stop there?  Why not 148, one each for the people murdered by the US government at Sand Creek?  Why not 300, one each for the victims at Wounded Knee?
Or perhaps I should be more modest than El Donaldo, AND more contemporaneously relevant. I would propose just two targets, one each for Sammy and Vickie Weaver, also murdered by the US government:  Langley and Quantico will do.
update 200108: If Hezbolah is Iran, Al Qaeda is America.

“Those Cockeyed Hawkeye Cauci” (4 February, 2020) —
The I.T. elites of Iowa’s Democrat party have taken it upon themselves to foist an unsolicited “upgrade” onto a hapless caucusing electorate.  Their sleek new app apparently wasn’t up to the task of meeting 19th Century tabulation procedures. 
Or so goes the party line.  Cynics suspect that an embarrassing Sanders Surge had to be buried in a blizzard of digital doubletalk, thereby conferring the inevitable endorsement onto Squeaky Pete, while simultaneously delivering a healthy kick in the slats to heir disapparent Quid Pro Joe.
I.T. weasels and party apparatchiks vow to address this epic failure by insulting Iowa voters and punishing accounting clerks.  Isn’t there a napp for that?