Tulsi Gabbard for Secretary of War

19 May, 2019

It’s convenient for a political junkie to live in an open primary state. In 2016 I was the first of my friends to vote against President Pantssuit. Fortunately Lady MacBubba went down in flames anyway, but I still get to claim I voted against her more (though I probably hate her less) than most of my peers.

This go ’round, I expect I’ll be pulling a Democrat ballot again in Ohio’s Primary and voting FOR Tulsi Gabbard. Do not mistake me, I think that she has a childish view of economic reality and could be a disastrous President of Johnsonian (or Dubyic?) Proportions. I don’t care. I expect I’ll vote the Libertarian ticket in the General Election, but in the meantime I want her in the Democrat debates. I am a squeamish peacenik coward whose fundamental political metric is body count, and she hits this issue first and she hits it hard! I don’t know if I can bring myself to send her any money (I’m already paying her salary!) but I’m telling you and I’m tagging my car and encouraging peaceniks in open primary states to keep this issue alive. The slavering jackals of Faux & MSNBCNN are trying to bury her (Tucker Karlmarxon excluded.) As long as she’s willing to beat this drum for me, I reckon I can throw in a few Amens!