Leave Karen ALONE!!!

4 May 2020

It is ever sad to observe, generation after generation, neighbors and kin turning on each other, their natural allies, at the behest of their common enemy, the state.

Innocents whose parents have tagged them “Karen” are particularly burdened these days by their association with snitchery.  And it is quite unnecessary to besmirch these Karens (“Dear Karen, welcome to our world.  Kind regards, John, Jack, and Dick”) when perfectly good words already exist. 

Snitch.  Rat.  Stoolie.  Weasel.  Informer.  Capo.  Stukash.  Citizen Stasi.

If you feel you MUST personalize it, why pick on Karens?  Western Civilization and popular culture already offer a ready archetype of informants — the very apotheosis of snitches — Cindy Brady.  And sure, maybe I’m sweeping the problem under a smaller rug.  After all, there may be dozens (Scores?  Hundreds even?) of Cindy Bradys throughout the Anglo-American realm.  But that hardly compares with the thousands (Millions?) of Karens being needlessly needled.