An Annoying Quiz: No Points & No Prizes!

12 December 2019

But you just might discover that you are as monumental a Losertarian as I!

Question 1:  Your cat is sick.  Will you take her to a plumber, a mechanic, a financial planner, a taxidermist…or are you an ELiTiST?

Question 2:  A superb meal is served, like your Ma or Grampop or Aunt May used to make, but with one small dollop (ca. one milliliter) of radioactive excrement added.  Do you clean your plate…or are you an EXTREMiST?

Question 3:  Do you like beating up potheads and prostitutes?  Would you like to throw them into cages so they can study higher crimes and misdemeanors?  Do you like to hurt people and to take their stuff…or are you a LiBERTARiAN?

(Note:  “Libertarian” does NOT mean libertine or licentious.  In English it means “liberal” —  predisposed toward liberty and generally non-interventionist  –economically, socially, and militarily.  In ‘Merican it means “leave me alone.”)