Tactical Privilege

29 December 2019

“At least with a knife, an attacker wouldn’t be able to do as much damage as with a gun.”  Okeh, sure, ceteris parabus. But all things are NOT equal.

Two sad and revolting scenes in two days.  Sad, but instructive: 

Bipedal garbage walks into a church in New York with a knife and manages to stab five before being subdued.

Anthropoid filth walks into a church in Texas with a gun and shoots two before being stopped by armed parishioners.

Admittedly, two data are hardly sufficient for statistical rigor, but anecdotes (as gun-grabbers well know) can be illustrative, instructive, and potent.  Assuming they were equally suitable to your particular flavor of faithful celebration, which church would you attend?  I’m not especially mindful of people’s delicate little feelings in re scary guns, so I’m stuck with the math.  I believe that two fresh corpses make for a less tragic day than five.  Et tu?

2 Replies to “Tactical Privilege”

  1. Here’s one significant difference:

    Mr. Garbage shot two parishioners. Both died (as did Mr. Garbage after being shot by Mr. Hero).

    Mr. Anthropoid stabbed five people; one died.

    1. Too true, and too sad, and maybe not the best example. Still, I’d feel much safer surrounded by armed parishioners than I would in a crowd of “soft targets.”
      Thanks for your additional data.

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