Deep State Suppression, Excessive Snivelry

“…. if it weren’t for Negan, we’d just have anarchy!”

29 November 2019“Lefty Moms” Please try to conceal your deep misandry from your young sons. “Mommy hates men” equals “Mommy hates me” which often equals “I hate me” which leads to young men poisoning themselves with pube-blockers, murdering their classmates, or mutilating themselves.

2 December 2019Anti-Semitism is abhorrent, revolting, stupid, and the natural consequence of demographics and human nature.
First, people conflate.  They attribute the characteristics of the sole example to the group.  Suppose my Granny were raped by a Romulan.  Should I assume therefore that all Romulans are rapists?  Bigots are eager to conflate.
Second, dumb people hate smart people.  “Don’t you get smart with me!  I will slap that smart mouth right off your face!”  Or murder your entire tribe.  It’s along that same continuum (albeit a little extreme) of resentment and revulsion for light, clarity, and coherence.
Finally, Jews (on average) are smarter than everybody else.  Therefore, dumb people, who are the majority, hate Jews the most.  And they conflate, so they like to pretend it’s because the Jews killed the Christ.

reposted from WorkkSeitt discourse, 24 May 2020Memorial Day is a painful reminder of the heavy personal cost of the Occupation’s aggressive and destructive foreign policy.  I mourn the victims who have died to enrich the Military Industrial Complex.  Pax, Peace, Salaam, and Shalom! correspondent AG writesMemorial Day is a bad day for me.  All my battle buddies I have lost thank you.

30 May 2020 — Can we expect Madeleine (“Worth it”) Albright to endorse Jo Jorgensen’s vagina for the Presidency as she did Hillary (“Lady MacBubba“) Clinton’s in 2016?  (And maybe, albeit quietly, Governor Palin’s pudendum in 2008?) Or is she resigned to spending an eternity in that special Circle of Hell, to which she referred in 2016, that is reserved for those vaginal voters who will not support female candidates?  update 200822: Unless Madame Secretary is already resigned to spending an eternity in hell for her murder of thousands of children?

2 June 2020  — With his threats to “Send in the Military” to various riot zones throughout the Union, sans invitations from the States, Donald Trump risks going from perhaps the least bad President since Jimmy Carter to maybe the worst since Abe Lincoln. update 200622: If he doesn’t stop killing Yemeni children soon, I may have to fall back from my present assessment to “least bad since Reagan.” I dread his contesting the Bushbamatons for bloodthirst.

13 June 2020  — For being such a pointless and meaningless expression, “Defund the Police” is unnecessarily potent and provocative in many quarters, and lends itself to the most outlandish nihilistic scenarios.   
But what does it mean?  I’m all for defunding Narco and Vice and no knock raids and BATFire and Zoning and, well… basically anything that gets in the face of peaceful people going about their own business.  Otherwise, as long as bad people keep trying to hurt the innocent, we’re going to want some kind of insurance against injury.  In a free market, GetLife and TheHardCorps will find it’s more profitable to protect their clients than to pay them off, and no one will find it profitable to beat up pot heads and prostitutes.

“Heroic Art” (15 August 2020) If it’s a contest then the Soviets have been the reigning champs for decades. The Nazis were also good, as well as our own FedGov. Collectivist propaganda in general is the best! The practice is horrific, of course, but the artwork is magnificent. I guess it works that way in most media. Janis Ian’s compositions were much better (she’s still great!) before she realized she was a lesbian and decided to stop torturing herself. As a not yet professional novelist I have to wonder. Am I prepared to suffer enough to actually be any good at what I do?

8 November 2020  — To Republicans whining about “Suppression Polls” discouraging you from voting: Fuck you very much. I’ve been voting for Losertarians since 1976, and not a single poll suggested that my candidate would win. It did not stop me from voting anyway because, one, I’m not a Demoblican wimp, and, two, I never voted to impress pollsters anyway. Nor am I about to waste any sympathy on anyone who would let notorious liars dictate his choices. Maybe you lost. Maybe they cheated. Focus on those details but spare us the whining about alleged “suppression” before the fact. Libertutionists and Constitarians have [taken it up the ass] too long to [cry over your butthurt].