Feelin’ He’pfull

29 April 2018

“But I was just trying to help!”

I’m not so sure.
You certainly weren’t actually helping.

People who want to help generally help, and one of the first things they do is make sure they’re not doing the opposite of helping. And one of the last things they’ll ever do is whine about just trying to help.

People who want to appear helpful won’t do anything until someone is watching. I tend to think most of them are creepy weasels, but I get them. Getting ahead requires getting seen and you want your efforts to count for something. If they think the boss is watching and they’re helping me out then that’s good enough for me.

The most loathsome of all types are those who wish to feel helpful. They don’t care about you or the boss, they’re just mostly sad schmoes who crave validation. If you’ve ever had a child “help” you in the kitchen you get it immediately. At least with the child, you have the advantage of imparting valuable skills, so the hassle is worth it. Alleged grown-ups who blunder in and mess up your rhythm (at the least of it) and feel all good about what swell people they are are using you to masturbate.

If I don’t want to go several blocks out of my way, the last turn to get to work is a left across two lanes of traffic. It’s a busy neighborhood with about a half a dozen vendors clustered close to the Interstate, but there’s a turn lane in the middle of the street, so I’m content to wait.

Sometimes some motorist will stop in one of the oncoming lanes and gesture for me to pass in front of him. He’s often less than a block from the red light so it probably costs him nothing, and if I can see that it’s safe, I’ll cut in and smile and wave and be done with it.

However, and too often, I will not be able to see that it’s safe. There are a couple of parking lots bleeding into that right lane on busy nights, and if he’s in his left lane I can’t see through him, so I don’t always know whether it’s safe. If I’m T-boned turning in front of traffic, I’m the one charged with failure to yield. Let alone maybe dead. Meanwhile, in this alleged super-hero’s lane, traffic is stacking up behind him and all they can see now is that green light at the intersection. So he’s not just using me to feel good about himself. Now he’s hijacked the time of all the hapless drivers behind him. Finally, he gets fed up and proceeds to exercise his right of way, but makes a point of screaming at me as he drives by because clearly I am the parasite commandeering everybody’s time.

update 230201, contra The Alleged Super-Hero and his Angry Fans, correspondent Mykpogdyf Mminx responds:  “I can see this so vividly in my mind’s eye as you describe it. And you are spot-on. In some people’s needy, soul-sucking fervor to appear virtuous, other people can get hurt. Plus, it’s straight-up cringe-worthy watching them preen and puff-up preemptively to doing ‘their good deed‘.”
 # (cross-hatched tag) whattagoodboyami

3 October 2023
Our new AssMan at the QuikkStopp, Yuviffont, has all the makings of a middle management martinet. In addition to regularly reminding herself (through us) that she’s in charge, she’s also keen on “helping” us set up our tills. She’s got plenty of time (pretty much her entire shift) to do that BEFORE I arrive, but what I generally hear first from her is how busy she’s been and how she’s had no time to get all this stuff done that her ostensible subordinates manage when she’s not there “helping” us. I try not to listen, as there’s usually much more interesting stuff going on in my own head, or I’m beginning to focus on MY CUSTOMERS.
Last Monday, at the beginning of my shift, as I’m beginning to breathe a little easier knowing that Yuvi‘s soon on her way out the door and out of my hair, I greet my first customer and ask how I might help when suddenly she’s at my elbow with a roll of quarters “for your till.”
“Yeah, sure,” is what I may have said as I again attempted to assist the customer and then I see that my screen shows the accounting tile rather than the point-of-sale tile that my customer and I were getting ready to use. I sigh heavily, take the roll of quarters and her “paid out” slip and put it aside and say something like I can deal with this later. I void the beginnings of her attempt to disbalance my till and go back to the prime directive, which, of course, is customer service.
Next, Yuvi grabs the roll of quarters and the slip that I’d laid aside and says, “I can do it myself,” thereby demonstrating to all concerned that she actually hadn’t needed to bug us in the first place. That was probably my favorite part of the whole unnecessary power-play. Another favored moment was at the end of my shift as I was counting my till and I reflected that I still had more than ten bucks worth of loose quarters, and that I had not once needed to take another roll out of our drop safe.
And again, I want to clarify, maybe it wasn’t just a power-play. Maybe she needs to feel helpful, and it doesn’t matter whether she actually helps anyone, just as long as she feels good all under. But that just makes it all sadder.

Goin’ Trekkin’

15 July 2023

(meter stolen from Quincy Jones)
Goin’ Trekkin’!
Goin’ Trekkin’ to the stars!
You Big Dummy!
You don’t know your butt from Mars!
It’s no wonder this ship’s such a dump!

God Endorses Robert Kennedy, Jr

22 September 2023

And raises 2.2 megabucks for his campaign at a benefit concert in Los Angeles.

Well-to-do swells gathered on the 18th of September at a private fundraiser for Robert Kennedy’s presidential campaign and to listen to God make love to his guitar.

Said Kennedy of God: “Eric [Clapton] sings from the depths of the human condition. If he sees in me the possibility of bringing unity to our country, it is only possible because artists like him invoke a buried faith in the limitless power of human beings to overcome any obstacle.”

Said God of Kennedy: He is committed to championing “truth, unity, peace, and prosperity.”

Both God and Kennedy have gone on the record as harsh critics of the mandatory experimental injection campaign in response to the mild respiratory ailment widely hailed as the “deadly CoVid 19®.”

Citizens’ Parking Tickets

14 September 2023

I don’t have any hard copies of the above illustration, but I’m tempted to get some. Awful people expose themselves in many ways. Bad parking is usually a sign of deeper pathologies. Or stupidity. Either way, they should pay for their offenses with the pristine finishes of their cars. My late commie “sister-out-law” told a story about a large logger who walked across the hood of a car in his hobnail boots after it had encroached onto the crosswalk. That’s the kind of spontaneous justice I crave.

The Wish: I like to imagine tungsten-carbide chainsaws emerging from under the lines in parking lots to rend the metal and rubber of offending vehicles. Put the saws on a timer, of course, so they’re mostly quiet. They should only emerge when the clock, sonar, and programming convince them that someone has parked (and not just passed) over the lines and therefore was encroaching on more than just his own space. Most vendors would probably find such a notion to be prohibitively expensive. But I’m going to keep on wishing. Meanwhile…

The True Story: I went to my local grocery connection a week or so ago. I rarely know when I’m going to be in a hurry, but I usually know when I’m not. I don’t like backing up my car. I can do it, of course; I can back a trailer down a winding gravel driveway, but it’s tedious and slow and more error prone than driving forward. In order to avoid backing up when I’m in a hurry, I tend to put the “hassle” up front, so if the parking spot only offers a single access to it, I’ll usually back in so I can just drive straight out if it turns out I AM in a hurry later. Even better are the adjoining spaces that most of the larger lots sport. Often I can drive straight through one and then I’m positioned to drive out of the other, all without putting it into reverse.

That’s the opportunity I found when I got to The Emir of Eats®. Except the front left corner of a huge pick-up truck was encroaching on the right front corner of my preferred space. Pausing briefly, I contemplated moving on to find another space, but was chastened by the firm economic principle that, “When we reward something, we get more of it.” I do not ever wish to reward misbehavior. I have a smaller car, I thought, so I can fit into that. I couldn’t get out my right door, but I wouldn’t need to. Satisfied that MY parking was within both the spirit of the lot AND the actual lines, I locked up and went shopping.

When I got back with my goodies, I saw that two other vehicles had parked behind ours, and that the driver of the pick-up had returned to his ride and was just sitting there glowering at me. Apparently, it looked to him that he couldn’t move forward without hitting me, or back out without hitting someone else. All resulting in damage to his precious “rig.” The nice thing about driving a “piece-of-shit” car like mine is you care a lot less about additional scrapes. Drivers of pretty new pick-ups are much less cavalier about the finishes of their rides. He sat there until I drove out of my space and released him from his self-made trap.


13 September 2023

Jerry Ordway‘s beautiful illustration of Pete Ross®, Ultra Boy®, Lana Lang®, Laurel Kent®, and Superboy® (Legionnaires® all, to one degree or another) in Smallville® makes me suspect that he might be the secret lovechild of Curt Swan and Kurt Schaffenberger (peace be upon the memories of both). It also makes me yearn for sequential art. Pretty is pretty and all, but storytelling means continuity, so get with it, Jehr! We’ll give you money! Work with us!

Some readers wonder whether Superboy’s time-travelling descendant might be too much of a reveal to Lana Lang, who long sought to divine his secret identity. Laurel’s being a look-alike for her ancestress Lois Lane® makes no difference, as Lana and Lois had not yet met, so the resemblance is meaningless. Also, as an enthusiastic participant in these confabulations, I’ve developed the habit of figuring out what’s not been seen or said. Obviously, Legionnaires who are onto Clark’s secret would not betray his trust. Laurel was likely introduced as Superboy’s Kryptonian kin from the 30th Century, “Laur-el.”

The imaginary concepts of Pete Ross®, Ultra Boy®, Lana Lang®, Lois Lane®, Laurel Kent®, Superboy®, The Legion of Super-Heroes®, and Smallville® are alleged to be private property and are held de jure by DC Comics® and WarnerCom®.
Used without permission.

Happy Blowback Day!

11 September 2023

Make a wish and blow down a tower!
You too can take on “The Axis of Evil!”

It’s the most opportune day for the Feds!
For years we’re inviting
A pretext for fighting
To feather our beds!
And it only cost us a mere
Three thousand dead!

(meter stolen from Pola & Wyle)

4 May 1999 — for Eric & Dylan
He’s a thrillin’, chillin’, blood-spillin’ villain,
And you like him a lot, dontcha?
He’s mad and he’s bad and your attitude’s sad,
Cause you think that he’s hot, dontcha?
He’d cut you and rape you,
He’d slice you and scrape you,
He’d film you and shoot you and tape you.
You think he’s a hit with his serrated wit,
You’re a nihilist twit, aintchoo?

Gettin’ Their Peace Freak On!

9 September 2023

I hadn’t been so excited about a Dan DeCarlo story since I scored the damaged but mostly complete 1955 issue of Millie the Model® for cheap from the bargain box! That was cover-to-cover goodness of some of DeCarlo‘s finest, undiminished in the slightest by Stan Lee‘s bad gags.

The Best of Archie® Musical Madness is a trade paperback reprint and is no bargain at $13.99US* (*unbacked securities). But with 256 somewhat (25%) reduced pages, it’s still competitive with new material, but features a lot of classic DeCarlo and many of his lesser (though better than most) colleagues’ work from 1967 forward.
But that’s not the exciting part.

I was eleven in 1967, or 12 when The Archies® debuted on teevee in 1968, so Betty and Veronica (and Midge, and Josie, Valerie, and Melody, and Sabrina, of course) were early entrants into this adolescent fanboy’s spank bank. (Oh! And SamanthaBingo Wilkin‘s girlfriend, and Batgirl, and Princess Ponytail too!)
And that’s still not the exciting part.

It’s pretty much what I expected.
Light-hearted fun. Simple, inconsequential fluff pieces with musical themes touching on topics of the day and cameos from “realworld” techs’n’execs, with stories propelled by Monkeesesque absurdist hijinx and forced rhymes.
Fun and satisfying, sure. But, not exciting yet.

I picked up the book again this afternoon to dip in. I ration myself sometimes. It keeps things fresh. While Alice’s Restaurant played itself out, I read a silly little Sabrina story, crafted by writer George Gladir and ably illustrated by Bill Vigoda and Chic Stone. Chuckling at both Arlo and George as I finished it, I flipped the page and DeCarlo’s reproduction of the cover depicted above seized me by the throat. Archie and the gang drafted? What did writer Dick Malmgren have planned for us? I closed the book before I began to hyperventilate and I told myself, I have to wait for this. Archie in the Army.
This is big. This is important. This is exciting.

Look, I know, you know, and every other remotely semi-intelligent fanboy knows that Arch and Jug will never get killed in combat, let alone ever finish high school. So, this was Not a Hoax! Not a Dream! Not for Real! This had to be an Imaginary What If Story from some other Elseworld in the multi-Archiverse. But it was still Important. Not to drop any spoilers about what may or may not have happened to Reggie on the Group W Bench, but I will tell you that it does feature many characters peacefully protesting America’s engagement in Vietnam, though never actually mentioning the nation by name. It also features a Hippie Seditionist who suborns felonies by urging Arch et al to burn their draft cards and to refuse to report for induction. Of course, this story being constrained by the Comics Code Authority, such a suggestion is quickly countered by Archie’s admonition that one must work within the system. So, on one level, it was “balanced” puerile pap, beautifully illustrated. On another, it was deftly subversive. For all the Code’s obeisance to “the authorities” Malmgren nevertheless managed to get Hippie Seditionist to say “You don’t see the politicians risking their lives on a battlefield! Why should you? You have as much right to stay alive as they do!” Later, Archie himself refers to the Vietnam conflict as “a senseless war.” This may seem like pretty tame stuff in 2023, but in 1971 the weight of the Code was heavy and burdensome. Even so, Malmgren’s story expresses the fatigue that Americans were feeling. By then almost everybody knew someone whose brother or cousin had been killed in action. The war was grinding on and people were getting sick of it.

And sad to say, THAT’s exciting.

in addition to its original presentation in Everything’s Archie #16 (October 1971),
“Summer Prayer for Peace” has been reprinted in
The Best of Dan DeCarlo #2 (March 2011),
The Best of Archie Comics #4 (August 2014),
World of Archie Double Digest #51 (August 2015),
Archie 1000 Page Comics Jam (2015),
Archie Spotlight Digest: Archie 75th Anniversary Digest (2017), &
The Best of Archie Musical Madness (2023).

The Grand Comics Database refers to this story thus: “A rare example of Archie expressing political views, both against the Vietnam War and against violent protests. The title of the story comes from a song released by The Archies on the album ‘Sunshine,’ one of the most serious and ambitious songs by the group.”  Herewith, the lyric:

“A Summer Prayer for Peace” — by Jeff Barry
Three billion people together forever,
Three billion people sing a summer prayer for peace.
Oh look, look around you, see what you have done.
Where’s the world that God intended
With love for everyone?
Sing, sing of freedom,
Sing a song of joy.
Altogether making better
What some would destroy.
How will it end? How will it end? How will it end?
Amen, amen, a—men!

Okeh, surely Jeff Barry‘s no Bobby Darin, but his passion is just as real, and he’s following Bobby’s admonition to “sing a song of freedom. Sing it like you’ve never sung before. Let it fill the air, tell the people everywhere, that we the people here don’t want a war!”

Rigger, Please!

26 August 2023

It’s not my favorite mug shot, but it’s definitely a contender. I think Randy Travis’ and Rosa Parks’ and John McAfee’s all eclipse El Donaldo’s, though he easily stands shoulder to shoulder with Johnny Cash and Lenny Bruce and George Carlin, but no one’s ever come close to David Bowie’s misadventures in Rochester.

Nevertheless, the public domain image depicted above is a glittering lustrous gift to Mr Trump’s campaign and to legions of enterprising swag-mongers, who are already shopping merch across the fruited plains.

In other news, leftists continue to discover right wing racist dog whistles. The latest is “Rigger.” A noun derived from the verb “to rig,” meaning, “one who rigs,” as in, the Prez sez, “Don’t let those Riggers get away with it.”

But what if I were grateful for the rigging. And felt affectionate toward one who had rigged on my behalf. Wouldn’t he be “My Rigga?”

29 September 2023

And as for those of us who delight in Leftists’ anguish over the Great Orange Beast, let it be said that, “He’s our Nigga ’cause he’s yo’ Trigga!”

My Nigga

17 August 2023

I am wary of facial tattoos. A lot of important social information is conveyed by facial expressions, and jewelry, makeup, and tattoos all obscure that. Which aggravates my already considerable social disadvantages, so I generally don’t care for them. To the extent that people who care to discolor or disfigure their faces know this makes the behavior potentially deliberate and underhanded. But not certain.

I get over my bias with regular customers, of course. Steady association with good behavior goes a long way toward allaying my concerns, and I’ve even become friendly with a couple. New fellow came in last night with some elaborate work around the outer orbital of one eye socket, and he was so utterly charming, and charmed by my routine, that when he left, I think he actually gave me permission to refer to him as “my nigga.”

My “usual routine” consists of spoofing both our bankster owners and the users of “electric leashes” (aka cash-apped telephones) and it often provokes many customers to laughing. (It can provoke a few angry fans, too, but that’s a different and sadder story.) This guy (I should point out that he was “black”) just about fell over when I said that F’eral Reserve Notes “stick together like the criminals who print them.”

“You all right, bro!” He smiled as I gave him his goods and his change, and we bumped fists. “Anybody give you shit, you tell ’em, ‘You deal with my nigga, Oxibbit,’ a’ight?”

We shook hands and I said, “Thanks Ox! Be well,” and he left, still chuckling. Another regular customer who was already familiar with my routine came up with his stuff and we smiled at each other and at Oxibbit‘s retreating form. “I think that fellow just gave me permission to call him ‘my nigga,'” I said.

“Does that mean I get to call him ‘your nigga?'” he asked me.

“I guess. That makes sense. Anybody can say anything, actually, but we should also be prepared to accept some consequences for what we say. You get fresh with my Mom and she slaps you, I’m probably gonna cheer her on.”

He laughed and we agreed that while the modularity of English was clear and convenient, social circumspection was also wise. Oxibbit and I may be cool, but his bros may not be aware of that, so I’ll continue to adhere to the FCN rule (about usually not saying Fuck or Cunt or Nigger in front of strangers who aren’t here for my act.)

Senator Clampett

10 July 2023

‘Pears I been droppin’ my hook in a fished out crick.”
Jed Clampett

As an ideologue, my favorite living Senator is Rand Paul, but as a fan of wit and rhetorical grace, my current favorite is John Kennedy. His folksy erudition makes me think of Dennis Miller delivering the morning farm report.