Heritage of Hate

22 April 2023

Quiz: One was a “slave flag” for four years, and one was a “slave flag” for four score and more. Therefore, which one is more stained?

Answer? The one on the right has been redeemed by being washed in the blood of Confederate traitors.

Response: Both of those flags have been washed in blood. The one on the left has been dry for over a century. The one on the right remains freshly spattered to this day.

Correspondent Jinivjot Juty responds viscerally if not coherently to my thesis: “No, not now, and not ever. Nope.

I feel compelled to ask: “No” on all points, or are there specific historical or arithmetical inaccuracies you’d like to cite? Or perhaps the allegory is too sanguine for your tastes? Literally, I do not expect that either of the flags shown have actually been “washed in blood.” Your adamant denial in lieu of response illuminates little but pique.

Let’s Pretend

6 April 2023

I applaud any performer who can turn his schtick into stacks o’ dough.

If “Let’s Pretend We’re Beer” (Bud Light®) wants to subsidize “Let’s Pretend I’m a Girl” (Dylan Mulvaney®) in return for his endorsement, then I remain uninjured (and uninterested in any beverage with the words “bud” or “light” in its name.) Now I get why Tranheuser-Butsch® is “reaching out” to the “trans community.” Love of alcohol transcends many disparate divisions. But specifically feminine vendors?

Maybe there’s an opportunity here for Magic Myke® Lindell:
MyTampons® are made from the finest most absorbent Giza Cotton®, from the hot and steamy Giza Valley to your own Brave and Beautiful Barbie Pocket®. MyTampons® are the most comfortable fit imaginable, and if you order now, we’ll throw in free* two MyLyteBeerKoozies®, each embroidered with the images of your favorite trans-activists!”

*Actual baby bedding not available with this offer…
(disclaimer per counselor Kodiap Jizeg)

On Attracting Crazies

31 March 2023

“Crazy for feelin’ so lonesome…” Willie Nelson

correspondent Mymolk Mymows wonders why she always seems to attract the crazies. She shares this example:

[T]he guy who asked me if he was attractive… just messaged me. [W]e’ve exchanged a few messages… nothing deep… Just regular small talk.
Him: “I’m a piece of shit.”
Me (red flag alert going off in head): “why do you say that?”
Him: “because I am”
Me (not going to be his cheerleader): “you can change that.”
Him: “no one likes me”

I respond: You attract crazies because you’re crazy-friendly. Not that you’re necessarily nice or polite to the crazies, but that they see your attitude (independent, principled, NOT reflexive or “normal”) and recognize that you are also part of the vast outside of the narrow mainstream. Same reason I guess I attract troofers and flerfers (flat earthers) — because I challenge some popular orthodoxies, I must be amenable to their lunacy too. Sorry, as long as you continue to not parrot the party lines, crazies like me (and worse) are going to be drawn to your hot brain.

And yes, telling a new acquaintance that “I’m a piece of shit” is as helpful a red flag as asking “do you think I’m pretty?” Either statement, unsolicited, early in a relationship, are gifts of freedom. Take them!

Happy Anniversary you Murderous Scum!

23 March 2023

The 17th of April is nigh, and it will forever commemorate the day that the State of Oregon and every spineless compliant masked sheeple in the State murdered my mother. She was killed by house arrest “cuz we wuz a-scared o’ the Bat Saliva Wet Market China Virus” like “we wuz a-scared o’ them Eye Racky Ter’rists and their weapons-o-mass-destruction.”

The nice thing about guilt, like laughter and knowledge, is that it is infinitely divisible, yet it remains undiminished. Every malignant maskerati moral slug deserves a hearty punch in the throat for killing my Mom, whether directly or by cheering on Frau Braun’s (aka “Kateler’s”) edicts (“cuz we wuz a-scared”), and I am not soon to forgive. I “wuz a-scared” too, but I also knew that any virus that landed on my shoulder would soon die of ultra-violet poisoning (if I was smart enough to step outside now and then), and any that I inhaled (or had land on the wet welcoming membrane of my eye) would sooner die at the “hands” of my hardy leukocytes. Yeah, I wuz a-scared. A-scared that my country would surrender to this depravity and embrace the child sacrifices symptomatic of dying cultures. Geez do I hate being right so much!

Better Bitter Brews

15 March 2023

Know, oh Wimps, that in the days before the children drank Wet Clams and the rise of the Buns of Soy, that there was an Age Undreamed of, when men with Arduous Jobs and Gigantic Thirsts quaffed mugs of heady brews and trampled peanut shells beneath their iron-toed boots.

“Ain’t givin’ damns when we’re drinkin’ Wet Clams!”

Barefoot in the Kitchen with another Pi Day Pie in the Oven

14 March 2023

Happy Pi Day AND Happy Equal Pay Day, a fitting confluence of events denoting opportunities for arrogant solons to attempt de-legislating reality.  History is amusingly replete with examples of Pi (3.14159&c) being redefined (to 22/7, typically, though I’m partial to 355/113 myself) so that it is no longer irrational (and therefore presumably an abomination unto the Lord), forgetting that real engineers and electricians never use pi (or e or phi) anyway, because no one’s paying for all that extra accuracy.  Silly Demoblicans and Repucrats also like to try to legislate away the real differences in lifelong choices made by the majorities of men and women that result in their achieving different stations in the market vis a vis productivity and reward.  I expect if men also took about a decade off from their career tracks to raise children, AND if women were more inclined to risky (and therefore more handsomely compensated) behavior, there’d probably be no such gap.  (Nor such a stark difference in on-the-job mortality between the sexes.) This fantastical 73% or 79% comparison is evidence of the adage, “Figures don’t lie, but liars do figure.”

How They Might Save Themselves from Hanging*

( * even though they deserve it )

16 October 2022

Fiat currency in general and the Federal Reserve System specifically have fueled a century of inflation, graft, and elective war. Throughout history, governments have found the power to counterfeit almost irresistible, and it inevitably results in both financial and cultural dissipation, usually ending in horrific violence. Sometimes, as in the case of the Soviet Union, the violence is relatively restrained. Nevertheless, after people get cold and hungry enough, they will turn on their masters and destroy them, too often instituting even more predatory regimes.

The united States have followed the same arc, but they have benefited from a couple of advantages. The industrial revolution has conferred such great prosperity, that pernicious inflation has allowed the criminal class to enrich themselves almost unnoticed as the producers also advanced (albeit less than they would have with a more stable currency) and surviving a global war has allowed it to offer its own corrupt currency as the international standard, thereby allowing them to export the symptoms of their larcenous monetary policies.

But “American Exceptionalism” refers, contrary to localist conceit, not to an exemption from the consequences of natural law, but to our unique founding predicated on individual liberty rather than on divine right or ethnic homogeneity. No one escapes natural law, not even superstitious American nationalists.

So the future looks grim. But not certain. Before we follow the paths of Weimar Germany, Zimbabwe, or Venezuela and end up with our own native version of Nazis or Bolsheviks, I’d like to offer a way out.

Early evening in the home of Mr and Mrs America, as the credits begin to roll after the end of their favorite sitcom, the television screen goes black, flickers momentarily, then lights up to show the President seated at his desk in the Oval Office. The soothing voice-over announces, “Ladies and Gentlemen, the President of the United States.”

“My fellow Americans, I don’t need to tell you that inflation has been eating us alive, especially after the last disastrous administration. And since I neither desire nor expect to be re-elected, I’m not afraid to tell you the truth. There’s no easy way out. But the least hard way, the least destructive way, is a return to Constitutional principles, the same principles that made America the greatest, freest, most prosperous, and most humane nation in the history of the world.

“Since the beginning of our Constitutional Republic, America has never demonetized its currency, but since the institution of the illegal, immoral, and unconstitutional Federal Reserve System, we have steadily and perniciously devalued our currency until today’s so-called Dollar is just a shadow of its former glory.

“Effective immediately, the Mints and the Bureau of Engraving and Printing will cease production of all base metal tokens and Federal Reserve Notes, and the Federal Reserve System will be closed. In five hundred days, about a year and a half from now, all Federal Reserve Notes will be demonetized, and all debased metal tokens masquerading as Lawful Coins minted after 1964, Nickel and Copper Five Cent Pieces minted after 1938, and Copper and Zinc One Cent Pieces minted after 1958 will also be demonetized. Buffalo Nickels, Wheat Cents, Lawful Gold and Silver Coins, United States Notes, Silver Certificates, and Gold Certificates will continue to be honored at face value.

“To reflect the disparity in values between Constitutional Currency and Federal Reserve scrip, government checks will be reduced to one fiftieth of their nominal value, and redeemable in Lawful Coin. During this transition period, existing Federal Reserve branches will be repurposed as redemption centers, and Federal Reserve scrip will be redeemed at the same ratio. As market conditions evolve, this ratio will be adjusted, probably upward, on a weekly basis. To facilitate this transition, any advance tax payments will be accepted in Federal Reserve scrip and will be fully creditable for the life of the taxpayer. If you’ve got a million paper dollars you want to drop on us, you may never have to pay taxes again, and depending on the size of that credit, that surplus may also be applied to your heirs’ future tax bills.

“Many may wonder… Is there enough gold and silver available for this to work? We’ll find out, but in order to smooth this transition, the Mints have been instructed to mint Silver Coins on demand. Show up at a Redemption Center with twenty-four grams of pure silver, and you can walk away with a Silver Dollar or ten Silver Dimes. Furthermore, we are also monetizing certain foreign Silver Coins. For brief example, Canadian Silver Caribou Quarters minted prior to 1967 will be Twenty Silver Cents, Canadian Silver Schooner Dimes minted prior to 1967 will be Eight Silver Cents, and Swiss Silver Francs minted prior to 1968 will be Twenty Silver Cents. For numerous other options, see our schedule of equivalents now posted on-line at Sound-as-a-Dollar dot gov.

“So get out your checkbooks, if you can afford it now, and pay up your taxes for the next few years. Then dig out Grandpa’s cigar box and start spending those old Mercury Dimes into circulation again. Let’s get America back on solid ground. I know this transition will be awkward, but as The Bard reminds us, If ’twere done, ’twere well it were done quickly.

“Thank you, good night, and God Bless the United States of America.”

see also:

Keep Cash Alive – Global Walk Out


The Currency Buds – 211202
(meter stolen from Jimmy Driftwood)

Long about 1865, the French and the Swiss thought trade was jive!
“We ought to adopt a common currency!”
And so, they organized the Latin League.
The Franc was defined in Silver and Gold,
And the Lire and Peseta jumped in the fold!
They had the goods, and they had the cash,
And the market fired up like a birthday bash!

The currency buds thought trade was keen,
That tariffs were lame and taxes were mean.
If you had silver or you had the gelt,
Then exchange rate trauma was a pain not felt!

In ’73 the USA, thought they’d jump in and join the fray!
“If we make our Dime just a little bit light,
It’ll match up with Half a Franc just right!”
So the Western world had the finest of times,
Hustlin’ their goods ‘cross the border lines!
Reliable money worked as slick as you please,
Then it all blew away in the War Storm’s breeze.

The currency buds thought trade was keen,
That tariffs were lame and taxes were mean.
If you had silver or you had the gelt,
Then exchange rate trauma was a pain not felt!

Fiat scrip’s now here to stay, so hide your silver and gold away.

The currency buds thought trade was keen,
That tariffs were lame and taxes were mean.
If you had silver or you had the gelt,
Then exchange rate trauma was a pain not felt!
(That’s good money…)

Sucker Bucks  — 140430  (original meter?)

I pulled into the QuikkStopp™, to check my manifest.
The price I saw for gasoline, well it put me to the test.
The sign said, “Bring your silver.  We’ll gladly make a deal.”
For just two silver dollars, a full tank and a good hot meal!
A paper “dollar” don’t go too far
When you try to put gasoline in your car.
Groceries, rent, and an MP3, underwear, and an orange tree,
A six-pack, chips, or a pack of smokes,
These sucker bucks are a sad sad joke!

So they call it Quantitative Easin’, but it’s their skids they’re greasin’.
The banksters keep on squeezin’ while the workers take their beatin’!
We’re just tryin’ to make a livin’ but we’re givin’ up on givin’
Our hopes or votes to more rich parasites.
It’s long past time that we adjust our sights!

If you make from silver or you make it from gold,
If you give it some value a man can hold.
If you give it some weight he can feel in his hand,
Then good’s good enough for a workin’ man.

Nolan Space?

2 March 2023

The nicest thing about the z-axis is that it can be viewed remotely.

I had older brothers to make mistakes for me. They fucked around, and I found out, albeit from a safe distance. Our younger sister was either not paying attention, or too far removed from their action, so sometimes she had to find out for herself. Complaining once to our mother she said, “You think [Gene’s] so perfect! He just doesn’t get caught!

My Mom, ever wise but often impatient, responded, “Yeah? And your point is…?

David Nolan is the author of the “Nolan Chart,” the two-dimensional politico-economic disposition distribution incorporated above.
The “z-axis” represents the “fuck around and find out” dimension.

Merciful Killers

29 January 2023

correspondent Humjat Ticut assails both theists and carnivores in their indifference to the suffering of “lower orders,” and challenges those whom might have “realized their god is a lie” to justify their continued exploitation of helpless sentient beings, insofar as gods remain unavailable as excuses for atheist behavior.

I am not insensitive to the plight of farm animals, and I am no fan of gratuitous cruelty, but I still have a working metabolism, and I’ve learned that no single vegetable can replicate the nutrient density of animal flesh.

Humjat’s challenge feels a little empty. With no God to excuse my carnivorous appetite, there’s also no God to punish my barbarity. Millions of years of evolution have determined our dietary requirements, and we are informed thereof by the shape of our homegrown teeth: incisors for clipping carrots and biting apples, molars for grinding nuts and pulping roots, and canines for ripping flesh. I respect the rights of chickens to their lives as much as the chickens respect the rights of the bugs that they eat. And I am much more merciful in my kills (either personally or shopped out) than tigers or owls are in theirs. We usually cut a throat quickly or run an hydraulic ram into a brain. Cats often play with their food, seeming most to relish rodent brains that have been marinated in terror. (Quantum, rip, frequently left our back yard in Kawaihae littered with headless mice.)

Standing with LGBTQ-Anon

Let’s Get Busy Tackling Questions

16 January 2023

I said, “Q Anon is silly, and influences no one.
Blue Anon is dangerous, and owns the DNC.”

correspondent BA responded, “Q Anon is indeed silly, and influences no one with any sense. Sadly, millions have no sense, and have been sucked into Q’s malevolent game. There is no Blue Anon, so far as I can tell. That term was invented by right-wingers intent on trashing the left.”

While I might plead poetic license in my use of “no one,” BA‘s qualification is noted. Some loons will believe anything, and I can be careless in using “no one” rather than “point I’m-not-counting-all-those-zeroes one percent.” But while Q’s likely quixotic campaign of rooting out a cabal of corrupt pedophiles hardly seems “malevolent,” they nevertheless accomplish approximately zero in the body politic.

Blue Anon, on the other hand, is just the new name for the Deep State, that emergent interest class springing from the permanent bureaucracy and national security state. It is manifested in every biased report from Faux-MSNBCNN about Mitt McCain slipping to third place, while Congresscutie Au Courant surges ahead to first, and Senator Loser McPointless shows a strong fourth, all while never mentioning Ron Paul’s second place finish. Blue Anon is the author of the Warren Commission Report, and the master theorist behind Arlen Specter’s magic bullets. Blue Anon has framed every mainstream debate about the merits of a 34% tax rate vs a 38% tax rate, but manages to lose its feed just as anyone dares mention the Federal Reserve. Blue Anon demands that sensible Americans decide between starving brown children in Whogivesafuckastan, or bombing them quickly and mercifully. Blue Anon continues to funnel your tax dough to Halliburton and Solyndra. Blue Anon blew up Nordstream and thinks you’re stupid enough to believe that Vlad shot himself in the foot just to show you what he’s capable of.

Blue Anon is as real as suction, centrifugal force, coldness, and Adam Smith’s invisible hand. Like them, it is just a rhetorical device used to describe an emergent property and provides a convenient way of describing certain behaviors. And while it may have been coined by “right-wingers,” it is embraced by many others. And, besides, whom better to trash than the left?