Meaningless Comparison

25 March 2018

If necessary, I will use my gun to protect my kid (and maybe yours, too.)

Your house and your car and your savings account are all probably worth more than my gun, too. So what? I expect you also think your kid is worth more than your house, your car, and your back account combined. You blather on about how no price is too high if it saves just one child. Really? No price? What about two children? “Marching for Life,” passionate grief, earnest resolve, and sincere expression all make for entertaining video, but they are poor substitutes for sober discourse.

Let’s dial back the histrionics a bit and agree that nobody (except for twisted nihilist punks and John Bolton) want to see more dead children. The question is, how best to secure their safety? Responsible grownups assess the dangers, and try to make rational choices, often balancing countervailing factors. You love your kid, and to protect him from rogue truckers crashing through the house you’re going to build a concrete wall around your property. Right?

Are you kidding me? No way! Who could afford such a thing? And it would be an eyesore blight on the neighborhood, too! What’s that going to do to my property value?

So are you telling me that your kid ISN’T worth more than your bank account or your house? Of course you aren’t. You’re just making a reasoned assessment of the risks and rewards, and settling on optimal solutions. Instead of bunkering down next to the Interstate, you live in a quieter neighborhood, and you teach your children traffic safety.

Well, it works the same way with guns. Multiple shooters who are stopped by armed civilians on the scene generally accomplish less carnage than those stopped by The Authorities. Of course, the leftie media won’t report THAT, because it doesn’t support their agenda. Besides, the greater the body count, the greater the ratings.

Final notes:
“My kid is worth more than your kid” is believed by every parent who is not a true communist or an insect. If you disagree you are not a parent. Or you are a liar. Or a fool.
In John Bolton’s defense, the only dead children he desires to see (so far), are Korean, Persian, and Syrian. Not directly of course, but (like Madeleine Albright) he accepts the collateral damage as “worth it” to his imperial designs.