Support Structures

19 February 2019 — The Old Red Con, the Green New Fail, and the Green Leap Forward are all too easy. They’re all good and they’re all apt, but Green Leap is best as it evokes Chairman Mao’s heroic efforts to centralize Chinese agriculture (modeled no doubt on Tovarishch Stalin’s Ukrainian Triumph) resulting in the deaths of tens of millions. In so doing, the Helmsman edged out Uncle Joe as America’s second favorite mass-murderer (“Honest” Abe stands second to none, even as his body count pales in comparison to such giants.)

24 February 2019 — Previous Kommissar Kasich said that he’d vetoed Ohio’s recent “heartbeat bill” because it “contradicts the Settled Law” of Roe v Wade. Maybe I missed it; did Komrade Kasich ever weigh in on the “settled law” of Dred Scott?

9 March 2019 –– Yeah, I Support the Troops. I’d rather not, but the alternative is prison. There’s a big chunk of support taken out of my every paycheck, and it is long past tiresome. I find it particularly annoying to still be supporting such filth as Robert Bales and Nidal Hassan. If it were all I ever had to pay again I’d cheerfully kick in for two last bullets. Although you can recycle rope, so I shouldn’t be so hasty.

11 March 2019 — Representative Tulsi Gabbard declines to parrot the party line that “Bashar al-Assad is a War Criminal.”: If MI-5 and ha Mossad could only persuade their underlings at Langley to convince El Donaldo that Assad is gassing villagers (“again”), just when it is least tactically helpful (again), and most strategically damaging (again), maybe he’ll murder more Syrian janitors (again).
That’d show her!

16 March 2019 — Marching to a familiar drummer, correspondent DL (“Concealed carry… is frightening”) is taken in by the logical fallacy of the seen versus the unseen. It is certainly apt to consider what eventual consequences may follow Governor Blevins’ signing Kentucky’s new concealed carry measure. If some future Kentuckian misjudges or otherwise misbehaves and misuses a firearm it will be known, and DL’s misgivings will be vindicated. On the other hand, when a lone jogger elects to flash iron at would-be predators, we’re unlikely to hear about it. In many jurisdictions what she has done is illegal, so she’s probably not spreading the news. And the punks who decided that rape was not such a good idea after all? Cowards and punks and posers are uniformly disinclined to signal their true colors, so the good news goes unreported.

27 September 2019 — It is amusing to witness Jill Biden‘s channeling Monica Lewinsky as she reminds us that it is sometimes necessary to swallow in order to support our Democrat standard bearers.

3 September 2019 —Agitators Of Conscience Ocasio-Cortez and Presley, antiFA’s own Congress-minions, betray their hands when they encourage black clad thugs to assault Proud Bostonians who would otherwise peacefully celebrate their own particular peculiarities. Their eager and adulatory support for the bail fund has helped to mitigate the discomfort of about a dozen or so masked violent apparatchiks, and has helped to spread the word more widely that the leftist’s answer to cogent discourse is a coward’s sucker-punch.
( * Ever the peacemaker, I select “minion” over “man” or “woman”
in deference to the left’s campaign AGAINST gender clarity.