In Defense of Elitism

Advanced placement and honors classes cannot be “supremacist” — white or otherwise — because placement into those classes are based on performance and not on appearance
(except maybe for “Advanced Supermodelling”).

On the other hand, true to accusation, they ARE elitist, and we understand that “elitism” is anathema to resentful leftists.
But so what? They’re elitist, too. And so are you.

Don’t believe it? Don’t like the idea?
You don’t have to. It’s still true.

Suppose your cat were sick. Would you take him to a mechanic?
A plumber? The grocer or a tavern?
To the butcher shop or to a taxidermist?
Well, maybe as a last resort, but…
NO! Of course not! You’d seek out one of those elites, a specialist who worked hard to distinguish himself from other tradesmen.
You want a veterinarian for your cat,
not a financial planner or a community organizer!

In fact, we’re ALL elitists! For some reason some people are not only ashamed of it, but they’re also very good at kidding themselves.

curious update 191109: I still don’t know whether the Journal printed this piece. (Why wouldn‘t they? My work is always first rate!) The response (from editor LM), while encouraging simply because it is a response, is nevertheless ambiguous. I’ve been regularly sending stuff to the War Street Journal, Pravda Sivoydne (“Truth” Today), and my local Demoblican mouthpiece. USA Toady has an obedient robot that consistently acknowledges my submissions, conveying editorial’s regrets that they can’t print all they get. Neither the Journal nor Our Hometeam Fishwrap have ever acknowledged any submissions, and as far as I know the Journal has never printed any either. I expect the local’s bar is a little lower than the nationals’ so I occasionally make that scene.

But, alas, still no sign of my work in wider circulation. I can’t be sure. As vain as I am, I’m still cheap. I don’t see those expensive papers every day, and I pay for them even less frequently.

Maybe I’ll never know. This could be LM’s clever way of saying, “Congratulations! You made the cut! Watch for your deathless words in an upcoming edition!” Or maybe I just touched a nerve. In any event, the sentiments of his response, via e-mail, were at least pertinent to my own. And whether or not this is his own composition, he does not say. For all its heralding hopes and joy, it is altogether quite the ambiguous message. Still…

Spurn not the nobly born
With love affected,
Nor treat with virtuous scorn
The well-connected.
High rank involves no shame —
We boast an equal claim,
With him of humble name,
To be respected.

One Reply to “In Defense of Elitism”

  1. Certainly enJOY this one…timely, concise, well thought-out analogies to touch the humor inside anyone!!! Nice job, son.

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