Common Contempt

10 May 2019

Human beings seem to be very fond of criminalizing ridiculous non-crimes. Rather than confess their deep hatred of reason, liberty, and honesty, they endeavor instead to sanctify their bigotry by throwing such incantations as “Sharia Law,” “Mosaic Traditions,” or “Public Order” at them, hoping apparently that the righteous labels might stick to the grimy surfaces of their biases. They are thin disguises that only fool the willingly credulous. Those of us who remain immune to such duplicitous diversions, however, can readily see the nonsense for the fetid fertilizer that it is.

Of all the ridiculous non-crimes that exercise Americans‘ imaginations, perhaps “contempt of Congress” is the most mysterious. What decent honorable human being is NOT contemptuous of these bands of bandits (pick a legislature)?

Contempt for the Congress is so natural and reasonable that it invites a special reversal of Anglo-American jurisprudence. Inspired in part by the Nancy Grace standard, wherein all suspects are to be presumed guilty until proven black or female, the Presumption of Innocence should be provisionally suspended. In the case of Courtiers and Congress-mites, we should all be presumed Contemptuous until proven to be Capo, Stukashi, Snitches, Weasels, or other such sycophants.