And the Internet Restoreth

9 July 2023

I am retarded, particularly as regards to cybernetics. I was taught to speak English as a very young child, and it canalized an expectation of structure that has plagued me since. I’ve been informed that English is among the most difficult of languages to learn, but since it is my milk tongue, I don’t remember the struggle. My parents and older brother have all confirmed that there were initial concerns about my cognitive abilities, as I did not speak for well past the most common norms. Eventually, I seemed to have come through, finally demonstrating both proper grammar AND genteel table etiquette when I said, “Please pass the potatoes.”

Later, because I was considered “bright,” I was thrust into a seventh-grade French class. I did okeh at first with pronunciation and a little vocabulary. Then they hit me with a peculiar grammar that seemed upside-down and inside-out. That constitutes my sole SCHOLASTIC failure in life.

Anyway, I spent many pleasant hours processing various photocopied images to produce the collage above. Visiting a Legion of Super-Heroes oriented website, I attempted to post my effort, and failed. But a fellow fanboy messaged me and said that if I e-messaged it to him, he would post it. So I did, and he did. Later, the computer containing the digital file died, and I reckon that it, and many others, remains locked in that obsolete box of frustration. I thought it was lost to me until I could find a savant sufficiently versed in this arcana to retrieve the lost files and find me another processing program that i can use. so far nothing…

Then I saw it on-line. My work! At last returned to me! I snared a copy, so now I am somewhat restored, though my many other files remain out of my poor reach. But hallelujah anyhow, as IT weasels taketh away, and the internet restoreth.

Meanwhile, WordPress® and its many shills continue to resist my solicitations for aid. Why can’t IT weasels label their “help key” with something actually helpful? Like “Help?”

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