“There Are No Innocent Third Parties”

27 July 2020  

This may be the favorite refrain of mass-murderers, spoiled children, and statesmen.  (Although “he made me” is a serious contender.)

When the U.S. government destroyed Iraq’s infrastructure, and placed an embargo over her skies and shores, hundreds of thousands of Iraqi’s died of malnutrition and/or other hygienic complications.  “Worth it,” according to Madeleine Albright.  Naturally, well-intentioned Wahabists had no choice but to fly airplanes into the World Trade Towers, thereby killing thousands more.  Of course, they deserved to die, because “there are no innocent third parties.”

When Timothy McVey took down the Murrah Building in Oklahoma City, hundreds died.  Not to worry, it was a federal building, full of collaborators, and there are no innocent third parties.

When the Cavalry cleaned out the savages at Sand Creek and Wounded Knee, they were doing the Lord’s work.  These animals were in the way of Manifest Destiny.  Besides, nits grow into lice, and there are no innocent third parties.

When Sergeant Bales decided to go hunting Afghans, he ran afoul of the Uniform Code of Military Justice.  Why?  They were ragheads, weren’t they?  Hadn’t they defied their liberators? Aren’t there no innocent third parties?

When General Sherman bombed Solomon Luckie’s barber shop in downtown Atlanta, it didn’t trouble his conscience at all.  By cutting the hair of soldiers and engineers and grocers, Luckie was contributing to the Confederate Economy, and there are no innocent third parties.

When a Blue Knee crushed the life out of a Brown Neck, ardent and committed activists had no choice but to batter journalists, harass motorists, and to burn down convenience stores*, because there are no innocent third parties.

(* Also Korean barbecues, Jewish delis, Gay bakeries, and Christian bookstores)

There are many ways to say, “there are no innocent third parties.”  Popular options run the spectrum from “let’s beat up the haole kid” to “nuke ‘em all and let Allah sort ‘em out.”

update 200822:  Freely associating Robert Bales to Nidal Hassan to Chris Kyle to Edward Snowden, I am moved to point out that all four were committed activists who took matters into their own hands.  Personally, I think Bales and Hassan should stretch ropes, or be securely indentured to the families of their victims, I’m not sure.  I’m surer about Kyle and Snowden, and much clearer on their differences:  One was a hero who risked his life to protect the rights of all Americans, the other one shot strangers from a safe distance.

These comments are sponsored by The Confederate Mint (purveyors of metallic securities in gold, silver, copper, and lead).  For sample sheets of Metallic Certificates (total face value One Tenth Silver Dollar) send One Silver Dime plus a self-addressed stamped envelope; or Four United States Legal Tender Federal Reserve “Dollars” in scrip, check, or money order, to Greigh Area Associates, c/o Gene Greigh //  401 Rio Concho Drive, #105;  San Angelo, Texas;  76903

Innocent Backstanders

3 October 2020  

Chris Wallace plays a journalist on TV.  He feigns objectivity as he loads his “questions” with assumptions and accusations and demands that any opponents to the Deep State pledge to stop beating their wives and cheating on their taxes.

How I remember it (paraphrased):

CWWill you condemn far right violence?
DT:  Sure.
CW:  I’m not taking “yes” for an answer.  When will you tell your violent alt-right white supremacist supporters that behavior like Charlottesville is unacceptable?
DT:  Who do you want me to denounce?  Give me a name.
JB (quietly):  Proud Boys?
CW:  Will you tell them to stand down?
DT:  Sure.  Stand back and stand by, but the real problem is with the radical left and antiFA and –
CW:  Moving on…

Chris is clearly in on it, knowing that a hypervigilant response to one threat necessitates neglecting other (sometimes more pressing) problems.  Violence is okeh as long as it serves the needs of the Deep State, and honest journalism is also acceptable, as long as it serves the needs of propaganda.  Otherwise, inconvenient facts are to be dismissed.  Like Mr Trump’s often repeated, generally neglected, and long forgotten condemnations of racist supremacism.  (“Good people on both sides” explicitly referenced those who would contest the suitability of historical monuments in public spaces, and not Nazis versus Commies.)

Here’s another inconvenient fact that was missed or dismissed by both the Deep State’s handmaiden and Kamala’s stalking horse:  The Proud Boys are a pan-racial organization of dudes who like the idea of feminine women, masculine men, and Western Civilization, and are generally disinclined to apologize for their testicles.  Also hanging out with other dudes who feel the same way.  Mainly, they’re educated frat boys.  They may not back down, but their policy is to not START the fight.  Proud Boys’ spokesmodel Enrique Tarrio might be surprised to learn that he is a white supremacist, but maybe not.  After all, distorting the truth is the Deep State’s specialty, and Chris and Joe are both obedient subalterns.

update 201004:
I suppose I should cross reference this file to Bad Poetry now.

Hickory Sticks Lie Handy
(meter stolen from Ragni, Rado, & MacDermot)

(Bubble Gum verses)

Proud Boys are auspicious, cutting edge of fun!
Take a stand for manhood!
Protect the neighborhood good!
Bodycheck antiFA ’fore they burn us down!

It’s a time of trials, and liberty retreats.
Society’s gone crazy, their reasoning’s all hazy
Because they dance in rhythm to a socialistic beat!

“Proud Boys are atrocious, neo-Nazi scum!”
“They terrorize the townsfolk!”
“They’re only here to provoke!”
At least that’s what they tell us on the lame TeeVee!

Red and Black and White and Brown and Proud Boys!

(Mo’Town verses)

Proud Boys stand for reason, Proud Boys hold the line,
‘fyou just wish to voice your protest, the Proud Boys say, “That’s fine!”
But if you’re… here for trouble, they’ll step up…. on the double.
You get a chance to walk away, and if you don’t you’ll rue that day!

‘cause Proud Boys handle biz’ness, Proud Boys don’t take shit.
If you hassle Proud Boys’ comrades, expect a busted lip!
Oh the left wing… they call ‘em racist, or neo-crypto fascist!
But I think they’re all stand up boys, and I cannot resist!

Now mainly… they’re just frat boys, with advanced degrees,
Who’ve discerned that leftist thinking is cognitive disease!
Show me a proud, a strong, a righteous,
A smart and noble, courageous,  PROUD BOY…
proud boy… PROUD BOY… proud boy… PROUD BOY!
They’re here for us!

Tactical Privilege

29 December 2019

“At least with a knife, an attacker wouldn’t be able to do as much damage as with a gun.”  Okeh, sure, ceteris parabus. But all things are NOT equal.

Two sad and revolting scenes in two days.  Sad, but instructive: 

Bipedal garbage walks into a church in New York with a knife and manages to stab five before being subdued.

Anthropoid filth walks into a church in Texas with a gun and shoots two before being stopped by armed parishioners.

Admittedly, two data are hardly sufficient for statistical rigor, but anecdotes (as gun-grabbers well know) can be illustrative, instructive, and potent.  Assuming they were equally suitable to your particular flavor of faithful celebration, which church would you attend?  I’m not especially mindful of people’s delicate little feelings in re scary guns, so I’m stuck with the math.  I believe that two fresh corpses make for a less tragic day than five.  Et tu?

“Say her name.”

24 September 2020  

That’s easy. 

Ashli Babbitt. Allison Krause.  Sandra Scheuer. 
Breonna Taylor.  Vickie Weaver.

Easy and sad and tedious. 
If we really wanted to be tiresome we could go through the roles at
Sand Creek and Wounded Knee and Mount Carmel, too. 

The litany of government privileged murder goes on and on. 

(Also known as, “We’re Blue.  Screw you.”)

“Murder?” many may bleat, 
“Wasn’t Ms Taylor accidentally killed by defensive fire?”

That’s arguable.  And irrelevant.  She was killed after armed men showed up at her home to suppress capitalism. 
That was the crime, and according to felony murder doctrine…

update 210415: Since the unnamed operative who shot and killed
Ashli Babbitt, crawling through a window and presenting
NO IMMINENT THREAT TO ANYONE, but still desecrating the
Sacred Space of the Capitol, has just been “exonerated” by his accomplices in the “Justice Department,” I thought it fitting to add Ms Babbit to the sad roll of “Say Her Name” victims. But apparently, according to the subalterns of the church, her killing was NOT sinful,
but the righteous response to her obvious
Blasphemy Against the State Religion.

The Terror Threat

5 May 2002

Fighting terrorism with tanks and napalm is like going after a virus with a chainsaw. The problem is spread throughout the entire body politic. Excising them will take precision tools, not blunt instruments. For years, Al Qaeda conspired, expending untold millions and man-hours. So far nineteen of their number have shown their hands. Leads have been tracked down and many of their confederates perhaps have been detained or otherwise neutralized. How many remain? Patiently they go about their lives, waiting for some message, some specific date. The National Guard isn’t going to smoke them out, and neither will the newly federalized Security Squad now Groping Granny at an airport near you!

They tell us not to panic. To cooperate. To understand. And give up just a few more rights for a little more security, a little more peace of mind. After all, they tell us, America welcomed the terrorists with open arms. They used our very openness, our civil rights, against us. The Bill of Rights is not a suicide pact, they tell us. Quite accidentally and unintentionally, they’re right. The Bill of Rights is not a suicide pact, it is a Covenant with Life and a Covenant with Liberty. The terrorists didn’t use our freedom against us, they used our disarmament. They win this war for as long as our government infringes on our Right to Keep and Bear Arms.

If terrorism is a virus in our society, then we are the antibodies.
The Citizen Militia must be Remobilized. The People must be Rearmed.

Could you imagine trying to hijack a jet with knives knowing that the passengers were carrying guns? You’d have to be out of your mind to attempt it. However, if you knew that everyone had been disarmed, you’d feel a lot more confident going in. Your determination and meticulous coordination have given you and your teammates the upper hand. You have the element of surprise, and they have… not. Now suppose the Federal Authorities were confiscating knives. No sweat, you’ve practiced with nylon cord garrotes woven into your ties, ceramic belt-buckles that break into razor shards, ball-point pens, the heel of your hand, and your keys.

Gun control is a dangerous illusion. It is predicated on the notion that, because weapons can aggravate violence, reducing the availability of weapons will reduce the level of violence. The idea, however, is not borne out by the evidence. Admittedly, martial skill and superior firepower can inflict terrible damage, but a great advantage of bearing arms is social equilibrium. It has been said that, “God makes men, but Sam Colt makes them equal.” Yes, weapons can aggravate violence, but they can also mitigate threats, and do so far more often, and therefore prevent violence. What is more, we are surrounded by weapons — lethal, quick, sometimes messy, myriad are the ways of destruction. Who has time to study all the arts of warfare? It’s much easier to carry a half pound of blue steel that’ll do the heavy lifting for you. Whether you weigh ninety pounds or three hundred, it only takes a few ounces of muscle to squeeze that trigger.

The United States should not invade Iraq or Saudi Arabia or Somalia or Afghanistan. The Terror War will have to be fought and won here, on American soil. The enemy is already here and it is up to each of us to shoulder our responsibility.

The Militia is us. Every able-bodied citizen has a responsibility to protect this Republic and its Constitution, from all enemies, foreign and domestic. It’s an oath I swore when I served in the Standing Military, and it’s an oath I’ll swear again as your Representative to the Congress. The greatest threats today to the security of the United States and the American People are the interventionist foreign policy of the Federal Government, and Citizen Disarmament.

Jeremy Glick and Todd Beamer and the other Heroes of the Militia stood up one September morning and, laboring under an unlawful, unconstitutional, and immoral handicap imposed on them by their own Federal Government, wrested a measure of triumph from a day of disaster. It was a day of bitter tragedy and abominable atrocity. There is no shortage of guilt to share. The Bipartisan advocates of Citizen Disarmament are as bloodstained as any suicide bomber. Would that any of dozens of air travelers of September last had been packing heat, the world “would little note nor long remember” the passing of a few dead punks. We have spent most of the last century disarming ourselves. We have domesticated ourselves into a Nation of Sheep. Why wouldn’t the wolves find us tempting prey?

update 180426: It can be seriously depressing being right so much — about The War on Terra’, victim disarmament, and the tempting dangers of “Gun Free” zones. I thought (and said loudly) that going into Iraq was a mistake. I thought (and said loudly) that pursuing Al Qaeda through the Stannous Republics would be arduous, expensive, and probably futile. I guess there’s been some measured “success” on that score. But by and large, the Occupation’s efforts to inflict mass casualties, foment resentment, and engender blowback, has been a resounding success.

And I’m still freely swiping from “Honest” Abe Lincoln, America’s Poet Laureate Emeritus Magna Cum Laude, but if I’m going to steal, why wouldn’t I steal the best?

The Dreaded Upgrade

27 November 2019

So, I finally beat my computer to death.  It was a long hard slog – took me twelve years to do it, but I persisted and now it refuses to come out to play.  As I solicit sympathy, I find some, but the consensus seems to be that twelve years constitutes a win.  I… guess…  Mostly it constitutes a hassle.

And a loss.  And a sad desperate helplessness knowing that my precious files are locked up in that inert box, and that I am stripped of my typewriter and my digital crayons and that I am fenced out of my internet playground.

So chastened am I by the intensity of the loss that I am resolved to re-enter gingerly and deliberately.  But re-enter I must.  Cybernetic intercourse is as “necessary” to modern life as are automobiles and mobile telephones.

It’s going to be a nuisance learning a new operating system and graphical manipulator and word processor, but that’s still probably faster than finishing my current novel by hand, though Cervantes and Fielding seemed to have managed without even a typewriter.  Fortunately, almost ALL of my text is backed up on paper, but there’s still about 30% hiding in my head.

Nevertheless, the project is stalled, due to the exigencies of the Dreaded Upgrade.


25 February 2020

It is not gaining popularity just because innumerate and illiterate cashiers seem to be de rigueur.  (“Math is hard!”  “Reading is boring!”)  Well, that IS the reason that pictograms cover many of the registers at the QuikkStopp-by-the-Interstate™ and McGreaseTrapp’s™ these days, but not so much the push to eliminate financial freedom or flexibility. 

No, the appeal of cashlessness goes much deeper than that.  Soviet Stukaschi and Nazi Capo would likely appreciate our cashless trend.  By restricting payment to NSA-approved tracking devices (“RFID” &c) it becomes much easier for the Occupation to follow us, watch us, and control us.  By restricting liquid assets to F’eral Reserve Digits instead of grams of silver or liters of gasoline, it becomes much easier for organized criminals to rob us of our resources through inflationary excess, or simply to drain the digits from our accounts at their discretion.  In a cashless world, tax “cheating” would all but disappear.  (And of course, by “cheating” taxes I mean, like “cheating” death, i.e., preserving that which no one had the right to take.)

These comments are sponsored by The Confederate Mint (purveyors of metallic securities in gold, silver, copper, and lead).  For sample sheets of Metallic Certificates (total face value One Tenth Silver Dollar) send One Silver Dime plus a self-addressed stamped envelope; or Four United States Legal Tender Federal Reserve “Dollars” in scrip, check, or money order, to Greigh Area Associates, c/o Gene Greigh // 401 Rio Concho Drive, #105; San Angelo, Texas; 76903

Advantage becomes Privilege becomes Guilt

29 June 2020  

It is a transparent progressive tactic.  Distort or amplify a secondary or tertiary definition of a word and reapply it aggressively in a fashion contrary to connotative consensus until it is turned over or surrendered.  (Ayn Rand tried the reverse tactic in her campaign to rehabilitate the notion of “selfishness” and I continue her work, though I’ve allied selfishness with laziness and cowardice because I believe that those are the fundamental virtues of humanity and the foundations of civilization.)  When one is graced by happenstance (a passive occurrence), one is often also accused of exercising privilege (an affirmative action), and thereby incurring guilt and eventually owing reparations.

Progressive logic demands that because of my sight privilege, I owe compensation to the sightless, and therefore one of my working eyes (or kidneys, or thumbs, or whatever other privileges I am exercising) should be confiscated for another’s use.

These comments are sponsored by The Confederate Mint (purveyors of metallic securities in gold, silver, copper, and lead).  For sample sheets of Metallic Certificates (total face value One Tenth Silver Dollar) send One Silver Dime plus a self-addressed stamped envelope; or Four United States Legal Tender Federal Reserve “Dollars” in scrip, check, or money order, to Greigh Area Associates, c/o Gene Greigh //  401 Rio Concho Drive, #105;  San Angelo, Texas;  76903

Supremacist Conclusions

12 July 2020  

I guess it’s time to confess my “white supremacism.”  It was inevitable.  Keep changing the definition and eventually it will land on me.  Now that the new definition of “white supremacism” is “rational, sober, reflective, factual, and objective” it is time for me to embrace it. 

But what to do with this newly found “white supremacism?”   I know!  I shall objectively (or “white supremely”) compare certain public figures in light of their records and rhetoric, and conclude therefrom that:

Lawrence Jones is smarter than Jesse Watters,
Ben Carson is smarter than Steve Mnuchin,
Candace Owens is smarter than Joy Behar,
Larry Elder is smarter than Brian Stelter,
Walter Williams is smarter than Robert Reich,
Thomas Sowell is smarter than Paul Krugman,
And Eric July is smarter than Marshall Mathers.

But that’s no surprise.  They’re all probably “white supremacists” too!

This was admittedly a brief and cursory review, and I may have some of these relationships reversed (but I doubt it.)  I naturally welcome correction or other insights.  Since I am a “white supremacist” you can be confident that I WILL be swayed by facts and reason, if not leftie tears.

update 210104: The list above was an approximation, based on my (perhaps too distant?) observations. At this time, however, I now sadly conclude that Robert Reich is smarter than Walter Williams, and has been since about the 2nd of December. Or at least he presently demonstrates considerably more brain activity. Meanwhile, for now, Spokesmodel Select Biden remains smarter than rocks, as President Select Harris remains nicer than cholera, mosquitos, AND poison ivy.

Honesty, Accidental & Otherwise

6 January 2020

Most popular lyrics are fantastic (not “extremely excellent,” but “not realistic, like a fantasy.”)  Every once in a while an author can get away with telling the truth, and it can be a thing of beauty.  Some of the most honest lyrics in memory are as follows:

From Van Morrison — “The girls walk by, dressed up for each other.”  Bearing in mind that generally only bookies profit from betting on averages (think talking lizards or mayhem like Dean Winters), Van nails it here.  He understands that “nobody” dresses to impress men.  Men dress to impress women, and women dress to impress women.  Women undress to impress men.

From Jimmy Buffet – the central theme of maybe half of all popular songs written not involving revenge killing (“I’d rather see you dead, little girl”) or tribal allegiance (“You essay!  You essay!”) is the honkytonk hookup.  Kris Kristofferson may have expressed it (quite beautifully) with “hold your warm and tender body next to mine” but he was really just saying, as did Jimmy, “Why don’t we get drunk and screw?”

The next example just makes me sad, but I fancy myself an objective analyst, so its inclusion is required.  From Brain Dead Bimbette — “I wanna be like, I wanna be like, most girls.”  The flock hates the individual more than it fears the wolf, and will scorn such outliers, even at the risk of its own safety.  There is emotional security in numbers, and as long as we’re uniformly attired in our sagging trousers and reversed hats everyone is “equal” and no one stands out as “better than” anyone else.  Prominence will be punished!

Do I make too much of this?  It’s hard not to when it sounds so much like, “I wanna bleat like, I wanna bleat like, most sheep.